Barcelona links. Buy online at the best price
The Barcelona type fitting-link is a specific type of link used in pressure piping installations and systems. These connections are also known as compression fittings or pressure fittings, and are common in water systems and installations.
Barcelona type fittings or links are especially popular in Spain, they are standardized under the UNE 23,400 regulations since they were designed in Spain, they have also been installed in some other regions of Europe. These fittings are designed to connect copper or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes safely and hermetically without the need for welding.
They are threaded or to be inserted into hoses or pipes. They are easy to install and disassemble. You only need to turn the fitting or link a quarter turn to connect or disconnect, making them convenient for repairs and modifications to piping systems.
This system is based on three claws that link with each other since they are symmetrical. Quick and easy system and through a built-in gasket, it prevents loss with good sealing. These gaskets are completely interchangeable when they are already worn. They are basically made of aluminum and brass, completely compatible with water and have 4 sizes, 25, 45, 70 and 100 mm and can be combined with threads, either male, female or for hoses.
Barcelona fittings or links are basically used wherever there is a water circuit or system, be it hoses, BIES, fire hydrants, fire equipment, fire fighting equipment, hydrants, etc.